
Showing posts from July, 2022

Track 4: Computational Pathology

  Track 4: Computational Pathology A field of pathology that uses computer analysis to examine patient samples using a wide range of techniques in order to understand disease. Introduction   The reduction of diagnosis and classification errors is computational pathology's main benefit. A 92.4 percent sensitivity in tumour identification rate was reached by the Camelyon Grand Challenge 2016 (CAMELYON16 challenge), a global machine learning-based initiative to assess innovative algorithms for the automated detection of cancer in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained whole-slide imaging (WSI). A pathologist, however, could only reach a sensitivity of 73.2 percent In addition to expanding sub-segments like digital pathology, molecular pathology, and pathology informatics, computational pathology has the potential to revolutionise the conventional core activities of pathology By fostering international collaboration, computational pathology seeks to increase diagnostic prec...

Track 3: Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology

Track 3: Artificial Intelligence in Digital Pathology Pathology AI systems are computer programs that help pathologists with their work or provide automated pathology. A Pathology AI system's main capability is to analyze digital slide images using image analysis and machine learning . Digital Pathology enables for the scanning of slides and the replacement of the microscope with a computer monitor. Digital Pathology only provides the convenience of dealing with images rather than glass slides, but by digitizing glass slides to images, image analysis and machine learning can be used for tissue analysis. Submit-Abstract Here  : Pathology AI (Artificial Intelligence) : Pathology AI systems are computer programs to help pathologists with their work or provide automated pathology. A Pathology AI system's main capability is to analyze digital slide images using image analysis and machine learning. Machine learning ca...

Track 2: Medical Imaging Digital Pathology

  Track 2: Medical Imaging Digital Pathology Abstract : Pathology is a medical subspecialty that focuses on disease diagnosis. Tissue microscopic examination reveals information that allows the pathologist to make accurate diagnoses and guide therapy. Although the basic process by which anatomic pathologists make diagnoses has remained relatively unchanged over the last century, advances in information technology now provide significant opportunities in image-based diagnostic and research applications. Pathology has lagged behind other healthcare practices, such as radiology, in terms of digital adoption. As devices that generate whole slide images become more practical and affordable, practices will increasingly adopt this technology, resulting in an explosion of data that will quickly outnumber the already massive amounts of radiology imaging data. These advancements bring significant challenges for data management and storage, but they also open up new avenues for improving pa...

13 advantages of digital pathology

1. All tissue sections, stainings, and reports are gathered in one location : Because the image is automatically linked to the correct report via a unique number, you can no longer accidentally exchange a slide or a report. Even if multiple stainings are requested, they are linked to the correct number automatically. Furthermore, slides can no longer be lost, and missing images can be marked so that incomplete numbers are no longer reported inadvertently. 2.     Digitizing the workflow makes it more efficient and thus faster : In the non-digital world, gathering a request, a slide, and a report takes a long time. These components are automatically linked together in a digital workflow, ensuring that nothing is lost. Physical slides, on the other hand, must frequently be found because they may be on desks or elsewhere in the department. Furthermore, the physical slides are archived. As a result, preparing for discussions or multi-discipline team meetings takes a signific...

What is a pathology system?

The study of disease through the integration of clinical, morphological, quantitative, and molecular parameters using mathematical analytical frameworks is known as systems pathology. Definition: The study of disease through the integration of clinical, morphological, quantitative, and molecular parameters using mathematical analytical frameworks is known as systems pathology. The goal is to develop coherent models that allow for a comprehensive understanding of pathophysiological processes and to generate hypotheses that can be tested experimentally. In practice, systems pathology aims to provide patients with personalized therapy and predictive outcomes. Pathology's digital transformation has enabled the digitization of glass slides in order to generate whole slide images (i.e., WSIs or digital slides). A digital pathology system's primary components include a whole slide scanner, software whole slide image viewer, and display monitor. Pathologists can use digital patholo...

What machines do pathologists use?

What machines do pathologists use? Pathology has made significant advances thanks to the use of genomic-based molecular techniques such as polymerase chain reaction (PCR), fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), array comparative genomic hybridization (ACGH), and, more recently, DNA sequencing. Basic Supplies: 1. microtome 2. Biomedical Specimen Storage Cabinet 3. Automatic Slide Stainer 4. cooling plate 5. A trimmer or dispenser for paraffin 6. Slide Dryer 7. Tissue embedding system 8. floating tissue system    1.  microtome : A microtome (from the Greek Mikros, that means "small," and temnein, which means "to cut") is a cutting tool that produces extremely thin slices of material known as sections. Microtomes are important in science because those that allow for the preparation of samples for observation under transmitted light or electron radiation. Depending on the specimen being sliced and the desired thickness of the sections being cut, microtomes use stee...