Track 4: Computational Pathology
Track 4: Computational Pathology A field of pathology that uses computer analysis to examine patient samples using a wide range of techniques in order to understand disease. Introduction The reduction of diagnosis and classification errors is computational pathology's main benefit. A 92.4 percent sensitivity in tumour identification rate was reached by the Camelyon Grand Challenge 2016 (CAMELYON16 challenge), a global machine learning-based initiative to assess innovative algorithms for the automated detection of cancer in hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained whole-slide imaging (WSI). A pathologist, however, could only reach a sensitivity of 73.2 percent In addition to expanding sub-segments like digital pathology, molecular pathology, and pathology informatics, computational pathology has the potential to revolutionise the conventional core activities of pathology By fostering international collaboration, computational pathology seeks to increase diagnostic prec...